What We Fund

We fund various programs focused on helping the unhoused and most-needy in the areas of food, shelter, healthcare and education in Greenville County, South Carolina. While there are many in greater Greenville that need help in the aforementioned areas, we aim to fund programs that identify and target those that truly are the most needy. We also recognize that those within our community are best equipped to identify programs that are the most effective, so we keep an open mind and welcome new ideas.

Within our four broad categories, we’re particularly interested in programs that support the following:


Hot meals and soup kitchens

Food pantries


Short-term, immediate access for the homeless

Long-term housing for families


Life-skills and basic education

Job readiness, GED preparation, Basic financial skills and Literacy programs


Improving access to mental health services and improving access to medical assistance to unhoused.

What We Don’t Fund

We do not provide grants to individuals. We do not provide loans. We do not fund scholarships. We do not provide grants to organizations or projects outside of Greenville County SC. We do not support public or government agencies. We do not support programs outside the primary focus found in our mission statement. We do not provide grants for projects more than once per year.

Many of our board members live and work in the Greenville area, so we maintain a strict Conflict of Interest Policy to ensure personal interests do not interfere with our grantmaking process.

How to Apply

To better your chances for funding, please reach out to Foundation Director, Andrew Ross at to discuss your grant proposal before applying.
Once you have spoken with our director, you will receive an access code to apply for our summer grant cycle.
We invite local agencies to submit a Letter of Interest by June 28th, 2024 for the Summer 2024 cycle. If your proposal is selected for the full application Summer 2024 cycle, you will be notified and the full application will be due by July 19th, 2024.
To be considered for a full proposal, your submission must clearly demonstrate alignment with our mission and goals.
To submit your LOI please click the button below to apply through our online grant portal.
If you are a recent recipient of funding from the foundation, you must wait at least one year or (1) grant cycle after calendar year end between foundation funded requests. Our most recent grant cycles were December of 2023 and April of 2024.
Thank you for your work in the community and we look forward to a possible partnership.

When to Apply

Summer 2024 proposals should be submitted by the dates below. You will be notified via email once grants for the cycle have been determined approximately 30 days after the due date.

Summer 2024

LOI Due: June 28th, 2024
If Selected, Full Application Due: July 19th, 2024

Conflicts of Interest

The Hathaway Family Foundation encourages board members to play an active role in the community by serving as board members or otherwise being involved with a wide spectrum of nonprofit organizations.

This means that, from time to time, potential conflicts of interest or appearance of such conflicts will inevitably arise. It is the Foundation’s policy to deal with such conflicts as openly as possible


Send us a message by filling out our contact form or email directly at